Saturday, December 22, 2007

Tagged(again, again, again)

1. Do this tag and answer all the questions in your own blog.
2. Delete question no.20 and add one of your own question instead
3. Tag 8 victims to do this tag.


1. What is your dream when you were a small kid?
-owning every power ranger toy in the entire planet!!!*dude..seriously man wat the hell can turn dinos into robots??!!its just so unpredictable!!!XD

2. What is the happiest thing in your whole life?
-getting to hear her laughter everytime i call her=]

3. What do you wish to have right now?
-i wish to have my f**king new phone which my parents wont for me after my results!!...-.-

4. When is the last time you horse laughed?
-what the hell is horse laugh??!!!and do horse actually laugh??0.0

5. What did you realize recently?
-my Mocha Praline is not as sweet as it suppose to be!!NO!!!!

6. Which bad habit in you that is the most unacceptable?
-bitchy people

7. When you are unhappy, what will you do.
-sit down and draw till i get sleepy or emo at aside....

8. What are you afraid of losing?
-i am afraid of losing the love of my life!!><

10. When you met someone that you like, will you profess or hide your feeling.
im not sure about this...lemme see hide???? depends=]

11. List out 3 kind of people you hate the most.
-Lala, Bitchy, Backstabbers...

12. Define loneliness?
-When someone is emo-ing without anybody near him/her..

13. Are you satisfied with your life?
-With her=90% without her=20%

14. When is the most recent time you felt touched?
-The last time i was with her in the movies..=]

15. Where is the most beautiful place that you've visited?
-The Birmingham palace in england=]

16. A song that is playing in your mind recently?
-Boys Like Girl=Five minutes to midnight*Credits to Siendee thanks=]*

17. If you have a wish to come true, what is it?
-if my daughter would ask who was my 1st love, i don't want to take out the old photo album...but instead i want to point to the other end of the room and tell her that she was the one=]

18. Do you have anything to be worried or scared recently?
-Ermmmm my Pmr results and my 1st empression to Suelyns friends><

19.If the world is going to end, what will you do?
-I would die with her together..=]

20.Who is the most worth to tag?

~DreamX over and out~

0 Answers Here(::